Proposal: Live, Laugh, Veto [Appendix]
Timed out 4 votes to 5 with one DEF going against. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 08 Jul 2021 13:42:43 UTC
Add a new rule to the Appendix section, called “Imperial Styles”:-
The Richardo von Nestor may announce their Imperial Style for a dynasty, to inform Vampire Lords of how they intend to behave during it. An Imperial Style is a list of any number of keywords from the following lists, such as “Protective, Designer, Casual, Scam-Neutral”. It puts no constraint on the Richardo von Nestor’s behaviour, and simply serves as a guide.
Proposal style:
* Designer (will attempt to build and maintain a playable game, balancing it accordingly)
* Gardener (will keep the dynasty tidy but try not to influence its direction too much)
* Onlooker (will let the dynasty become what it becomes)Player protection:
* Protective (when taking any actions - including voting - will try to be fair to all players, including potential future players)
* Laissez-faire (will not consider fairness when making such decisions)
* Dungeonmaster (will target leading players, or support aggressive moves against them, if they feel this makes the game more interesting)Desired workload:
* Powerhouse (happy to process frequent, complex game actions and track secret information)
* Casual (happy to process a moderate level of game actions, and simple tracking)
* Hands-off (would prefer all game actions to be left to the players)Attitude to scams:
* Scam-Friendly (won’t remark on or move to close loopholes in proposals or the ruleset; will gladly assist a player’s scam if privately asked to)
* Scam-Neutral (won’t remark on or move to close loopholes in proposals or the ruleset; may assist a scam if the rules allow them to)
* Scam-Averse (will alert players to any loopholes they notice; will veto major scams; will only assist a scam if the rules require them to)Miscellaneous:
* Wildcard (may choose to deviate from their style at any time during a dynasty)
Running this idea up again, in a much broader form. Josh’s “voluntary but nonbinding outline” of their intended Imperial style was welcome for setting a clear tone at the start of the dynasty, but a short essay is hard to remember the specifics of, weeks later - and I think Josh’s unstated attitude towards scams, as Emperor, is something that regular players might be able to guess, but that new players would have to wait and see.
There’s undoubtedly other stuff that it’d be useful to put in a style, and I’m not sure this really captures the question of how an Emperor will actually vote on stuff, but consider it a first draft to be iterated if it passes. If an Emperor feels that they can’t announce their personal style because something doesn’t quite fit, they can describe what they mean and propose to update the rule.
This feels more like a special case rule than anything. Perhaps it could be a special case rule that contains the chosen style as flavour text?
I also think that many emperors will be unsure of their own style until they’ve got into the dynasty a little (although in practice, it usually comes down somewhere around “have a vision for the dynasty, don’t try hard to enforce it, use proposals to poke it along if things seem to be stalling”).