Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Proposal: Marvellous Mollusks

Reached quorum, 5-1. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 29 Nov 2024 00:30:24 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule “The Award Ceremony”:

Each non-Slug Snail has a publicly tracked numeric amount of Fame, which defaults to 0.
The Award Ceremony is the following atomic action:
* Increase the Fame of the Snail(s) who are past the Finish Line:
** The Snail(s) who finished in the lowest number of Moves get 4 Fame.
** The Snail(s) who finished in the second lowest number of Moves get 3 Fame.
** The Snail(s) who finished in the third lowest number of Moves get 2 Fame.
** Other finishing Snails get 1 Fame.
* Halve the Fame of all Snails who failed to finish the Race, rounding up.
* Make a post to the blog summarizing the changes in Fame.

If the Award Ceremony has been performed after the start of the most recent Race, that Race is no longer Ongoing.

If there is a single Snail with the most Fame, that Snail is the Fan Favourite: their Fame gain is doubled, but upon failing to finish a Race their Fame is instead set to 0.
The Snails who have a quorum of Snails with more Fame than them are Underdogs: their Fame gain is doubled.

If the Proposal “Bucket List” passed, rewrite the sixth bullet point of the Award Ceremony action as follows:

* Halve the Fame of all Snails who are on the Track but failed to finish the Race, rounding up.

Defining the Award Ceremony! Going for a mechanic where being ahead on Fame is high-risk high-reward. If ways are added to mess up your fellow Snails, it might even put a huge target on your back.


JonathanDark: he/him

27-11-2024 06:50:55 UTC

You’ll want to reset all Snails’ publicly-tracked Moves to 0 near the end of the atomic action so that it’s measured per Race, or add a step to start an Ongoing Race to reset the Moves to 0.

Habanero: Idle

27-11-2024 06:54:20 UTC


Habanero: Idle

27-11-2024 06:55:38 UTC

Although looking it over, I think this is already covered by the “in the Ongoing Race” in the Move tracking, but it doesn’t hurt to have clarification.

Kevan: he/himIdle

27-11-2024 11:15:54 UTC


Desertfrog: Idle

27-11-2024 11:33:30 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

27-11-2024 15:58:40 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

27-11-2024 23:52:39 UTC


Clucky: he/himIdle

28-11-2024 14:16:03 UTC

against not voting for stuff that rewards people for racing if I’m not in the race