Friday, November 26, 2010

MegaMage UltraWizard Tournament 2011

You’ll be pleased to know that Bucky has been selected to represent the School at the MegaMage UltraWizard Tournament next year. He left this morning to travel to his quarters in the Athlete’s Village. As I’m sure you’re aware, the MegaMage UltraWizard Tournament has a 100% mortality rate, so I’m sure you’ll all join me in wishing Bucky the best of luck!

Quorum drops to 10.



26-11-2010 20:56:21 UTC

Good luck Bucky!

P.S: if for some freakish reason you don’t live, can I have all your candy?

Darknight: he/him

27-11-2010 04:32:29 UTC

Best idle post ever

Roujo: he/him

27-11-2010 15:10:34 UTC

Agreed, but I think my Mad Inventor Candy post isn’t far behind. =P


27-11-2010 17:01:28 UTC

Roujo: Oh, is that what that was? That was confusing.

Roujo: he/him

27-11-2010 17:47:52 UTC

It was. =P

Darknight: he/him

28-11-2010 06:49:49 UTC

Lol, Rou is there any post of yours that doesn’t end in a smiley?


28-11-2010 09:40:07 UTC

Oh, the irony.