Proposal: [GNO] [BLO] MIC: The Unwanted Step-Child of Blognomia
Illegal, see comments—Rodlen
Adminned at 21 Dec 2008 14:19:04 UTC
This is a proposal for both the GNO and BLO factions. If it passes, it will be included in the GNO ruleset under the title, “Our most unregarded neighbor,” and in the BLO ruleset as “Cheese doodles for breakfast again?!”
1. MIC is the lowliest and most untrustworthy of factions. As such, the Citizens of GNO and BLO have taken it upon themselves to chain all Citizens of MIC to a rock. Per this rule, all MIC Citizens are Chained to a Rock, and thereby lose the power to vote, to make proposals, to issue calls for judgment, or to declare victory.
2. MIC Citizens that are Chained to a Rock may not switch factions unless they engage in an act of Self Immolation.
3. A Citizen of MIC may Immolate eirself by making a post titled, “I hereby renounce MIC.” In the post, the Citizen of MIC must declare whether they are defecting to GNO or BLO. Upon declaration, the MIC Citizen shall become a member of the declared faction (being either GNO or BLO).
4. If a Citizen of MIC defects to BLO, they instantly suffer 100 broken bones. If a Citizen of MIC defects to GNO, they instantly fall to -100 Garden Gnomes and are ceremonially shot out of the Snowball Cannon.
Brothers of Blo and Gno, let us nip this unseemly faction….in the bud.
Amnistar: he/him
I am not fond of this idea because the end result is the end of the Faction MIC, because being a member means you can no longer play in the nomic.