Proposal: Monumental Overhaul
Timed out and passed, 4-1. Josh
Adminned at 13 Oct 2020 09:40:27 UTC
Remove all monuments.
In the rule “Turns” replace
Apply the effects of any monuments on your Island with repeating effects.
Apply the effects of any monuments on your Island with repeating effects and were not added this Turn.
In the rule “Generating new monuments” replace
Randomly select from the pool of default or orphan dice faces, omitting all “no effect"s and keeping only one copy of any duplicated effects. If that face has a number in it, roll DICE4 and multiply the number in the dice face by the result. That is the effect of the monument.
Roll a {X Land, X Foliage, X Animal Biomass, X * 10 Mana}, where X is half the land cost of the monument rounded up. That is the effect of the monument
Not a fan of how someone can get a cheap monument that just gives them 8 land per turn.
Also right now, one-off effects are far worse than repeating ones. so making it so that repeating ones have a delay before they pay off only seems fair.
Kevan: he/him