Here’s the post-dynastic Goal reveal required by the ruleset. As written the Goals of every player other than Derrick would just be “Abandon Ship” or “Religious”, but here’s what people actually tried to set, and how they would have scored if The Log and Line had been voted through:-
- Brendan:
Advance to Carpenter+ Survive +Die+ Protect Cuddlebeam + Stay Afloat +Abandon Ship+Avenge Nature 1+Avenge Nature 2= 3 Worth - Card: Stay Afloat + Survive + Protect Kevan + Advance to Deckhand +
Avenge Nature 5= 5 Worth - Corona:
Advance to Navigator+Hunt+ Survive + Stay Afloat + Protect Dewaldo + Protect Stoneworth + Protect Kevan + Religious = 6 Worth - Cuddlebeam:
Die+(REPLACED: Abandon Ship)+Avenge Axemabaro+Avenge Brendan+Avenge Card+Avenge Corona+Avenge Cpt_Koen+Avenge Diabecko+Avenge ElMarko+Religious= 0 Worth - Derrick: Protect Pokes + Protect Thunder + Protect Cpt_Koen + Protect Jumble +
(ERASED:Stay Afloat)+Hunt+ Advance to Deckhand +Avenge Nature 2) = 6 Worth - Dewaldo:
Avenge 4+ Advance to Cook +Acquire+ Survive + Stay Afloat = 4 Worth - ElMarko: Advance to Third Mate +
Hunt+ Stay Afloat + Survive +Avenge Nature 4= 4 Worth - Jumble:
Avenge Nature 6+Acquire+ Stay Afloat + Survive = 2 Worth - Kevan: Survive + Advance to Passenger + Stay Afloat = 4 Worth
- Mexianus:
Advance to Blacksmith+Acquire+Hunt+ Survive + Stay Afloat + Protect Brendan + Religious = 4 Worth
Which means Derrick would have won regardless - although tied with Corona, the Captain’s decision to pass all of their Gold to Cuddlebeam meant that the tiebreak would have been resolved in Derrick’s favour, 3 Lore to nothing.
Kevan: he/him
The Loadstone CfJ (which Derrick ironically voted against) was just to fix Derrick’s submitted Goal list, which totalled 11 rather than 10.