Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Proposal: Move Tax

Vetoed by Desertfrog. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 27 Nov 2024 20:46:13 UTC

Add the following to Moving

The number of Moves each Snail has performed in an Ongoing Race is publicly tracked on the dynastic tracking page. The Pace in an Ongoing Race is equal to the fewest number of Moves made in that race by any non-Slug Snail (ignoring any Snail that is not legally allowed to make any moves). A Snail’s Margin in an Ongoing Race is equal to the number of Moves they have made in the Race minus Pace of that Race. A move is not considered to be performed until after its effect is applied.

Update the effects of the Crawl move to be “Increase your Position by (DICE10 minus M) or 1, whichever is larger; where M is one third of your Margin in the current race divided by 3 and rounded down.”


Taking a page out of Darknight 2 and making it so that you *can* spam moves, it just gets less efficient



26-11-2024 11:24:09 UTC

“one third of your Margin…divided by 3”
should probably have only one of “one third” and “divided by three”?

JonathanDark: he/him

26-11-2024 14:53:14 UTC

@Clucky: if you’ll follow up with a Proposal to fix the math, I’ll vote for this idea.

JonathanDark: he/him

26-11-2024 14:53:34 UTC

Or re-propose, either way

Kevan: he/him

26-11-2024 16:22:15 UTC

So: turn based, but we take our turns in any order within each round, and players can use their future turns in advance, with an increasing inefficiency penalty?

Which angles of that are the important ones to you, if you’re against simple turn-taking? That turns within a round can happen in any order? That alert players can always quickly take an action in response to something?

JonathanDark: he/him

26-11-2024 16:36:31 UTC

Answering for myself, these are the import angles:

* Turns within a round can happen in any order
* If another Snail is not making any Moves, I don’t have to wait days for them to time out to make mine (you didn’t mention this angle)

The “quick action in response” is not important to me. Being in the US Pacific time zone, it’s most likely that everyone else will have made their moves by the time I wake up, so I’m probably going to be disadvantaged by timing issues. I’m ok with trying out what we’ve got to see how how disadvantageous it will really be, even if it’s a setback for me at first, and then tweaking from there to make it less of a problem. The benefits outweigh the cost in my mind.

Clucky: he/him

26-11-2024 17:08:45 UTC

@JonathanDark whoops good catch. i’ll propose a fix

@Kevan turn based gameplay where you gotta wait around for your turn is both something we’ve done a lot of recently and often feels pretty boring just waiting for your turn

this creates more dynamic options and feels like less of a tapped design space to explore


26-11-2024 17:35:44 UTC

Probably worth noting that this only affects Crawl, and thus is a temporary solution: the more new Moves are added, the less important Crawl will likely get

Clucky: he/him

26-11-2024 17:40:04 UTC

new moves can and should also factor in margin where appropriate

JonathanDark: he/him

26-11-2024 17:58:02 UTC

The ones upcoming in “Busting Out Some Moves” are worth considering:

* Slipstream already has anti-spamming built it, since it only works if the prior Comment is from another Snail

* Leapfrog could be spammed to continue to pick a randomly-selected Snail until the best choice is selected. That’s worth an adjustment. I’ll consider it and propose something.

Kevan: he/him

26-11-2024 18:16:29 UTC

[Clucky] There’s still waiting, we’ll just be waiting for something specific to happen so that we can react immediately for maximum effect - the Race starting, a rival using a Move that makes you vulnerable, a key proposal enacting. Even in the baseline game proposed here, it looks like we’ll spend a lot of time waiting for the last Snail to move and make our DICE9 moves into DICE10s - unless you have a surprise lined up, why rush.

When the game gets serious, we end up with standoffs like the end of the recent Photography dynasty where all the attentive players are waiting for someone else to do something so that they can react to it.

I can play that game (I won the Photography one), but there’s still plenty of boredom to it, in continually checking in to see if an opportunity has arisen yet, in case you miss it.

against, anyway.

Clucky: he/him

26-11-2024 18:26:40 UTC

I mean Darknight 2 had the opposite—at the end people paid the extra price to get multiple actions done at once. So I think systems like this can work, and would rather experiment with them than stick with stuff like strict turns that we already know can lead to stale gameplay

Clucky: he/him

26-11-2024 18:27:34 UTC

@JonathanDark what if leapfrog targeted any non-slug snail, not just ones ahead of you?

Kevan: he/him

26-11-2024 18:41:39 UTC

We’ve barely had any dynasties with a rounds-of-turns structure, over the years, and those that I can think of had strong, engaged gameplay. (Some struggled at the start when players had been inactive without idling, holding things up, but that’s a wider problem.)

JonathanDark: he/him

26-11-2024 19:31:31 UTC

@Clucky: Leapfrog already targets any Snail, not just the ones ahead of you (though I missed not selecting the Slugs):

Randomly select a Snail from the set of Snails other than yourself whose Positions are less than the Finish Line

JonathanDark: he/him

26-11-2024 22:27:36 UTC

I voted in favor of “Fair Tax”, which if enacted will enact this one, so I’m not bothering to vote on this one directly.


27-11-2024 06:59:05 UTC

for I am a fan of the “move at any time” dynamic. Feels like too much recently has had completely synchronous action systems, so trying to make an asynchronous one work seems interesting.

Darknight: he/him

27-11-2024 10:57:11 UTC



27-11-2024 12:27:07 UTC

against Having to define complex margin equations for all Moves doesn’t really encourage proposing new ones, and also makes Moving less easy


27-11-2024 12:27:47 UTC

plus Fair Tax will enact this anyway if it passes


27-11-2024 19:35:44 UTC

veto as discussed in discord, a vetoed proposal counts as “failed”, so Fair Tax can still re-enact this. And if Fair Tax doesn’t pass, there no reason for this to pass either, being essentially the same proposal but with a mistake.
So either way, the voting result on this proposal doesn’t really matter.