Proposal: Need for Creed
Reached quorum 11 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 23 Oct 2020 16:12:22 UTC
Add a new Dynastic rule called Creeds, which contains the following text:
Each Monk is devoted to a Creed, which is tracked in the Mosaic and defaults to -. Each Creed has a description (which is flavortext) and an effect. The following Creeds exist:
* life: a Monk knows existence is preferred - no effect
* balance: a Monk knows there can’t be one without another - no effect
* peace: a Monk knows harmony - no effect
* truth: a Monk knows where to go - no effect
* resolve: a Monk knows how to get there - no effectAs a Weekly Action, a Monk may change their Creed.
a bit early to determine what kind of effects to go for, but I think a small number of special abilities encoded as Creeds could be a nice mechanic.
Josh: he/they