Wednesday, October 28, 2020

New Mentorship

Card has agreed to be Sylav’s mentor


Clucky: he/him

28-10-2020 20:19:31 UTC

btw with this, all the people who have signed up on the mentor list either have a mentee, aren’t playing, or have indicated they can’t be a mentor right now.

If we keep getting new players, would it be better if I take a mentee or we start doubling up?

Josh: he/they

28-10-2020 22:54:25 UTC

There’s no harm to you taking a mentee, unless you already feel like BN is taking up too much of your time - I’ve been an emperor/mentor before and it’s no conflict of interest, at least. But also I don’t mind taking on more than one mentor at a time. It’s usually a very light commitment.


05-11-2020 18:09:18 UTC

Just a ping to avoid idling.