Night falls; homes shining bright; sailing back to the Kingdom for quite the might
Thread for post dynasty discussion.
Post this before I snooze-
Thread for post dynasty discussion.
Post this before I snooze-
I think it was good TDS.
Not much to say about this one; it was close and competitive. Good dynasty.
I enjoyed it! I know there was a slow period, but I think it was a case of the Alliances planning ahead until just the right combination of PoRs and buildings slotted into place.
If one of the active Faction’s King had been a Visitor and triggered the ensuing raiding, that might have added some excitement and changed the course of the game, but barring that, I think the mechanics were solid.
As an observer, I enjoyed seeing the Alliances rule play out more or less along the lines of its original conception. (Not the most common thing, in Blognomic.)
Trapdoorspyder: he/him
I had a lot of fun running my third dynasty! Is there anything I could take away to help make my next one even better?