Proposal: No negative food
Self-Killed. -Purplebeard
Adminned at 14 Jan 2011 00:38:41 UTC
2.5 Food: Change
Each ant and creature has an amount of food which is tracked in the GNDT and which may not exceed the limit for their Caste, or 5 if the Ant of Creature has no Caste. At any time, an ant may spend a positive amount of food and add the same amount to another Ant in the same Location, unless this action would make the latter exceed their maximum.
Each ant and creature has an amount of food which is tracked in the GNDT and which may not be less then 0 and may not exceed the limit for their Caste, or 5 if the Ant of Creature has no Caste. At any time, an ant may spend a positive amount of food and add the same amount to another Ant in the same Location, unless this action would make the latter exceed their maximum.
Just to avoid negative food that looks meaningless to me.
Kevan: he/him