Monday, September 03, 2012

Proposal: No win stealing

Quorums 4-0. — Quirck

Adminned at 04 Sep 2012 07:27:42 UTC

In the rule “Time Out”, change the text

If there is only one Baker who is in the Holy Circle


If there is only one Baker who is in the Holy Circle and who has neither unidled nor registered in the last 7 days

I anticipate some players trying to jump in during the dynasty’s final days to sneak a win.  This at least gives them an incentive to enter the arena early.

This particular rules quirk is probably the reason why participation is so low - it’s safer for Bakers to be idle than actively participating.


GreyWithAnE: Idle

03-09-2012 23:24:07 UTC


Spice: Idle

03-09-2012 23:45:14 UTC


Clucky: he/himIdle

04-09-2012 05:59:19 UTC
