Non-Proposal: Desperate last attempt at killing Jason Smith
Increase the Plot Points of Eljefe by 5.
I don’t have a proposal slot open. Anyone who does should post this.
Increase the Plot Points of Eljefe by 5.
I don’t have a proposal slot open. Anyone who does should post this.
Oh, and you don’t have time to post a proposal that would effect this dynasty. You need 12 hours. You have 2.
“It has a number of FOR votes that exceed or equal Quorum, has been open for voting for at least 12 hours, and has not been vetoed or self-killed. “
I love finding rules that contradict your beliefs.
and, how is this any difreent from the other proposals t hat have been vetoed/voted against?
EVERY proposal is going to either hurt or help Rodlen. One of two. Would every proposal that hurts Rodlen be vetoed?
I understand this doesn’t have enough time, but just theoretically speaking one of the goals of games like Nomic is having people on your side so you don’t lose votes.
Making a specific time zone official doesn’t exactly help or hurt me.
And creating rules to the game may or may not help Rodlen.
Specifically giving people resources so that they win the game right before it ends? Not really creating a rule, and, in my opinion, doesn’t add to the nomic, because it means that the winner is merely whomever most people want to win, not whomever played the best that dynasty.