Proposal: On A Roll
Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 07 Jun 2024 04:57:33 UTC
In the rule “Judging”, add a subrule named “Bonus” with the following text:
Each Storyteller has a number named Bonus that is privately tracked by the Storyteller and defaults to 0.
As a Virtual Story Action, a Storyteller may send a request to the Storyteller to spend an amount of their Points to get additional Bonus at a rate of 10 Points for each additional Bonus.
In the subrule “Scoring”, replace the text “Set the Total Score for a Fragment to be either one plus the Pending Score for that Fragment” with this text:
Set the Total Score for a Fragment to be either one plus the Pending Score for that Fragment plus that Fragment Author’s Bonus
and in the same rule, add the following step to the end of the Fragment Scoring atomic action:
* Set each Storyteller’s Bonus to 0.
The more successful you’ve been with getting Score for your Fragments, the more influence you can have over your next Fragment being picked to be the one added to The Story, at the cost of losing some of your Points progress. You also get 10% of your Points back that you spent, so it’s not a complete loss.
Clucky: he/him
Seems too expensive I really be worth it