Friday, November 11, 2005

Proposal: Orthodoxy

Passed 5-0, timed out.—smith

Adminned at 13 Nov 2005 09:09:52 UTC

For my sanity, I want to slow down the number of daily actions that can be taken. I think this is what the Power limit clause was supposed to do. And I am updating it to include Avatars, as well. And get rid of Universal.

Change this line in the Powers rule:-

Deities may use the Powers of eir Incarnation at any time - however, a single Power may never be used to affect a particular City, Incarnation or Deity more than often.


Deities may use the Powers of eir Incarnation at any time - however, a single Power may never be used on a particular Deity, Incarnation, or any Temple or Avatar of the same Incarnation, more than often, nor may it be used to affect targets in the same City more than often. Creating a Temple or Avatar is considered to target it.

Delete the Universal Component, and all Powers using it, refunding the Deity controlling the Incarnation with that Power one Quintessence.


The Lone Amigo: Idle

11-11-2005 21:36:48 UTC


Yeah, it’s kinda crazy here.

Hix: Idle

11-11-2005 22:29:35 UTC


Kevan: he/himIdle

12-11-2005 08:34:41 UTC


Angry Grasshopper: Idle

12-11-2005 15:45:10 UTC