Proposal: Ozymandias
Passes 13-0.—Brendan
Adminned at 01 Dec 2010 15:14:05 UTC
If the rule “Mortals” exists, replace “Each such listing comprises a mortal’s name” with:-
Each such listing comprises a mortal’s name, their Health (“Alive” or “Dead”), their Legacy (either blank, or a Nomen from the Pantheon)
And replace “the Optimus Divinity may create new mortals” with:-
the Optimus Divinity may create new, Alive mortals with a blank Legacy
If the rule “Mortals” exists, then in Rule 2.3 (Ages), replace “Whenever the Imperatrix advances the Age, all values tracked in the GNDT are reset to the values defined by the rules for new starters.” with:-
Whenever the Imperatrix advances the Age, all values tracked in the GNDT are reset to the values defined by the rules for new starters, and all Mortals become Dead.
In Rule 2.1 (The Old Gods), replace “they may choose a name from the “Deity” column at,” with:-
they may choose a Nomen from the Pantheon
...and add to Rule 2.1:-
The Nomens of the Pantheon are the names listed in the “Deity” column at
...and replace “Alecto’s Old Name is always “Alectoâ€.” with “The Old Name of the Divinity known as Alecto is always “Alectoâ€.”
Making the Mortals mortal, but giving room for their manipulation into leaving behind a legacy. And some minor cleanup of the Old Gods rule, while I’m here - it’s probably useful to have a keyword for “legal Old Name which may or may not be in current use by an active player”.