Monday, June 11, 2018

Passenger’s Log: Saint Barnabas’ Day

“A modern-looking whaling vessel passed us heading back to Anchorage, riding low in the water. Its crew all appeared to be busy below deck, but the sharp voice of its unseen captain hailed us across the open water.”

The whaling ship Caine is in the area until the next log.



11-06-2018 08:27:47 UTC


derrick: he/him

11-06-2018 13:11:11 UTC

I talk about the trade


11-06-2018 14:00:53 UTC

I Trade Possessions during the Gam.

Brendan: he/him

11-06-2018 15:08:10 UTC

I talk about the trade

Kevan: he/him

11-06-2018 16:16:23 UTC

Note that the Gams rule explicitly requires comments to be formatted as “I <X> during the Gam” for actions to be valid. (You also may have to use the exact misspelling “Posessions”.)

Brendan: he/him

11-06-2018 17:03:56 UTC

I Talk about the Trade during the Gam.


11-06-2018 17:29:09 UTC

I Talk about the Trade during the Gam


11-06-2018 19:53:44 UTC

I Talk about the Trade during the Gam.


11-06-2018 19:58:02 UTC

To be sure, I Trade Posessions during the Gam.


11-06-2018 19:59:13 UTC

By the way, does everyone want to be Navigator or what???


12-06-2018 03:15:29 UTC

I’m the best option for Navigator because I’m in the lead for most Lore.


12-06-2018 13:59:51 UTC

I Trade Possessions during the Gam.