Proposal: People’s Republic is needlessly Beurocratic
Passes 12 - 0—arth
Adminned at 20 Dec 2008 12:38:47 UTC
Create a new rule “Needless Bureaucracy” the MIC ruleset with the text:
While the government of the People’s Republic of MIC feels that it is best to avoid confusiion by examining all new rules and regulation, and ensure that they are made with the proper language
AND while the government of the People’s Republic is comprised of the People;
Therefore, require all rules added to the MIC ruleset to comply with formal proposal language, as determined by the subrules of the rule “Needless Bureaucracy.”
Create a new sub-rule of Needless Bureacuracy “Proper Reasoning” in the MIC ruleset with the text:
While a rules intentions can be swayed based upon the needs and desires of individuals,
AND while a misunderstanding of the intent of a rule can create problems with the implementation of said rule;
Therefore, it is required that all additions to the MIC ruleset include proper explanations for why such a rule is created.
arthexis: he/him