Proposal: Proposals that make other proposals
Passes 10 - 4; +10 bucky—arth
Adminned at 15 Oct 2009 10:57:15 UTC
Add a new Dynastic Rule to the Ruleset. Call it “Viral Proposals” and give it the following text:
A proposal is Viral if its title contains the text “[Viral]”. Viral Proposals can only be created by other Proposals or by rules that explicitly state that they create Viral Proposals.
Viral proposals are considered not to have an author, and thus are unaffected by the restrictions on making proposals in Rule 1.3. Viral proposals are always Trivial.
If the oldest pending Proposal is Viral, the oldest pending proposal that is not Viral may be enacted or failed under Rule 1.5 as if it were the oldest pending Proposal.
In the Rule entitled “Trivial Proposals”, change the text
it contains a statement to that effect, its title contains the text “[Trivial]†or at least half
it is a Viral Proposal, it contains a statement to that effect, its title contains the text “[Trivial]†or at least half
The main idea here is that we can automatically generate proposals without either blocking players from making proposals or clogging the queue.
arthexis: he/him