Protosal: Secrets and lies
Each Guest has a Secret that is known to one other Guest (randomly chosen) and also knows the Secret of one other person (also randomly chosen). As a daily action, a Guest may choose to Reveal a Secret that they are privy to. The random choices are to be set up so that every guest gets knowledge of exactly one other Guest’s secret.
The idea is that everyone is carrying around a dark Secret that, if revealed, has a game effect. I’m not sure what that game effect should be, but I was thinking something along the line of shoving them down the line of succession or else removing them entirely. Also, there should be the possibility of Lies, essentially the chance that the Secret is untrue, which would backfire on the Guest who chooses to Reveal it, subjecting them to the penalty that would have fallen on the Guest who was exposed. There could be additional mechanics involved in hiding one’s Secret or trying to uncover more Secrets. Basically I’m trying to make it so that non-murderers have a chance to claw their way to the top of the inheritance heap and also to allow for alliances where people agree not to expose people in exchange for some sort of consideration. Also, there could be something about only being able to Reveal the Secret of someone who is higher on the inheritance list. Thoughts?
redtara: they/them