Monday, November 18, 2024

Proposal: Published Research

Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 1 vote to 3 by Kevan.

Adminned at 19 Nov 2024 08:54:51 UTC

Add a new rule named “Success” with the following text:

Every Genetic Engineer has Success Points which is the number of Mutations submitted by that Genetic Engineer since the beginning of this dynasty that have resulted in a change in the Genome, except for the Genetic Engineer named Josh whose value of Success Points is fixed at 3. Success Points are publicly tracked by the Head Researcher, who should keep the gamestate updated with the current values for each Genetic Engineer at their earliest convenience. There is a publicly-tracked Updated, which defaults to empty and must be set to the string “Yes” when the Head Researcher has updated the gamestate with the most current values of Success Points for all Genetic Engineers.

If Updated contains “Yes”, any Genetic Engineer or the Head Researcher may perform a Breakthrough, if it has not yet been performed in this dynasty, by randomly selecting a Success Point from the Success Points held by all Genetic Engineers. The Genetic Engineer who holds the selected Success Point achieves victory.


It’s not as fast as Kevan’s proposal, but this proposal offers a more “fair” chop by giving those who’ve had more successful Mutations a larger share of the chop. Because Josh joined late and missed out on some mutation opportunities, he gets some compensation in this chop. There have been 5 syntheses, so it seems reasonable that had Josh participated at the beginning, he would have had successful Mutations a little more than half the time.


JonathanDark: he/him

18-11-2024 15:29:35 UTC

I’m also open to a re-proposal from Kevan if he includes the spent Research Points as part of the chop.

Kevan: he/him

18-11-2024 16:52:30 UTC

Not sure that a count of successful Mutations tells us very much. Tactical mutations are more likely to have been blocked, when two players tried to take the same optimal move. To get Mutations through, a player has to either have made good double-bluffs, been lucky, or made bad moves in unimportant areas of the genome.

Darknight could end up being declared to have played an objectively stronger game than Desertfrog, under this rule, which doesn’t really sound right.

JonathanDark: he/him

18-11-2024 17:33:34 UTC

I agree that this is not as good as it could be for determining who made the “best” moves. It just felt a little better than “current Research Points”.

I’ll support the re-proposal “Break-Even”, but I’m leaving this one up in case it garners any interest.

Kevan: he/him

18-11-2024 20:21:21 UTC

I picked Research Points because if we were to play this dynasty out with no further proposals, the players with more RPs would probably find it easier to reach the Understanding goal, since Understanding costs RPs. The number of Mutations a player applied in the past doesn’t seem like it would help them from here.

against There’s some haze, but it seems safe to say that Desertfrog played better moves than Darknight in this dynasty, overall. I wouldn’t want to support a chop that might decide that it was actually the other way around.

Darknight: he/him

18-11-2024 20:40:31 UTC



19-11-2024 07:56:43 UTC
