Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Story Post: Race 1

This season’s first race is now about to begin!
We apologise for the delay: the preparations took more time than expected because a mongoose had eaten the official rulebook. The rules are still under debate as the participants are slowly gathering at the starting line.

...and the race has now officially started! Now we’re only waiting for the snails to start moving.

It should happen at any moment. Probably.

With at least one way to restrict movement and soon very likely also some new moves, it seems appropriate to start the first race


Kevan: he/himIdle

26-11-2024 18:42:37 UTC

Should Slingshot Sam have a position?

JonathanDark: he/him

26-11-2024 18:53:52 UTC

Yes, both Slugs should have a non zero Position according to their effects.

Desertfrog: Idle

26-11-2024 19:21:41 UTC

Slugs are now updated

Habanero: Idle

28-11-2024 01:05:47 UTC

The Slug of Death Crawls

Habanero: Idle

28-11-2024 21:06:39 UTC

I Leapfrog

Habanero: Idle

28-11-2024 21:07:52 UTC

I Crawl

JonathanDark: he/him

29-11-2024 00:54:13 UTC

Lucky roll there on your first move. What made you take the risk?

Habanero: Idle

29-11-2024 04:09:25 UTC

I wasn’t really thinking all that hard about it, I just saw nothing was happening despite the fact things could be happening. I figured that was somewhat unhealthy for the dynasty, so decided to do something to at least generate some noise. If anything this was against my best interests, since now everyone else can do the same thing but with a 1 in 4 chance of success instead of my 1 in 5.

JonathanDark: he/him

29-11-2024 04:57:47 UTC

It definitely was against your best interests. That’s why I asked. Thank you for your bravery despite the odds.

JonathanDark: he/him

29-11-2024 17:51:02 UTC

I Leapfrog

JonathanDark: he/him

29-11-2024 17:51:13 UTC

I Leapfrog again

JonathanDark: he/him

29-11-2024 17:51:48 UTC

I Leapfrog a third time (crossing fingers)

JonathanDark: he/him

29-11-2024 17:52:27 UTC

I Leapfrog a fourth time (is it the charm?)

JonathanDark: he/him

29-11-2024 17:54:51 UTC

NB: in the Dice Roller, I had Kevan in the list, not realizing that he had idled until just now. I’m re-rolling those 4 that I had erroneous previously rolled, but this time without Kevan.

JonathanDark: he/him

29-11-2024 17:57:28 UTC

(also, does it seem like if you roll the Dice Roller too fast in a row, it brings up the same results? I feel like I’ve seen this before)

JonathanDark: he/him

29-11-2024 17:59:47 UTC

I Crawl, and that’s my max of 5 Moves until “The Podium” passes.

(6 Slug of Death in a row? Wtf dice roller?!?)

Kevan: he/himIdle

29-11-2024 18:09:02 UTC

I don’t remember a fast dice issue. We’ve had some suspicion in the past about the dice roller favouring the first face of a die, but I think the effect went away whenever it was examined. Feel free to chuck extra test dice to investigate either.

JonathanDark: he/him

29-11-2024 18:11:42 UTC

Eh, it’s just super bad luck it seems. I waited a few minutes before that last roll and it still came up Slug of Death.

Habanero: Idle

29-11-2024 20:07:24 UTC

I believe JD’s last 3 Moves there were illegal per “If the Position of a Snail is after the Finish Line, Moves may be made only by Snails who have made less Moves on the Ongoing Race than any Snail who is after the Finish Line”. My current proposal “The Podium” fixes this issue. Fortunately for JD, he’ll get to redo his last 3 Moves again.

JonathanDark: he/him

29-11-2024 20:25:38 UTC

You’re right. Maybe RNG will be a little bit more in my favor next time, though unfortunately the odds will be lower with more Snails in the race, as Opt Out will get enacted before The Podium.

JonathanDark: he/him

29-11-2024 20:31:49 UTC

Actually, it won’t matter. “Death Comes For Us All” will enact, and I’ll get stuck behind the Slug of Death.

I could withdraw my own Proposal, but I’m not going to. I took the Leapfrog risk…I accept my fate.

JonathanDark: he/him

29-11-2024 22:32:39 UTC

Note the Slug of Death’s new position, for those of you who haven’t made a Move yet.

Clucky: he/himIdle

30-11-2024 00:00:10 UTC

I Leapfrog

Clucky: he/himIdle

30-11-2024 00:02:23 UTC

i give up and crawl

Raven1207: he/they

30-11-2024 00:07:08 UTC

I crawl

lendunistus: he/himIdle

30-11-2024 06:31:48 UTC

I Slipstream

JonathanDark: he/him

30-11-2024 22:48:22 UTC

The Slug of Death Crawls

Darknight: he/him

30-11-2024 23:03:07 UTC

Welp I got too busy irl to move before sod beat me

Habanero: Idle

01-12-2024 22:48:46 UTC

The Slug of Death Crawls

Raven1207: he/they

02-12-2024 00:50:17 UTC

I Crawl

JonathanDark: he/him

02-12-2024 06:00:26 UTC

Raven1207, your move was illegal because your position was behind the Slug of Death, which prevented you from moving.

JonathanDark: he/him

02-12-2024 06:01:08 UTC

This Race is no longer Ongoing. Closing comments on it.