Proposal: Red Sky at Night
Times out / quorums 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan. Weather seems to be undefined, so defaults to “the alphabetically earliest legal text string it may take”, which is Hurricane.
Adminned at 11 Mar 2015 18:34:04 UTC
Dependent on Weather 2.1.
In “Workplaces”, before “and mention this in a comment on that blog post” add:-
, update the Weather in the sidebar (to the Incoming Weather specified in the Day of Observance post)
Replace “Then the Townsperson who called the Day of Observance shall change the current Weather Condition.” with:-
Then the Townsperson who called the Day of Observance shall determine the incoming Weather Condition.
Replace “and mentioning the end of the current Season” with:-
mentioning the end of the current Season and specifying the Incoming Weather
In “Weather Conditions”, replace “The current Weather is determined in the most recent weather post (or it is Sun if no such post exists), and should be kept track of in the Blognomic sidebar.” with:-
The current Weather is tracked in the Blognomic sidebar.
Replace “Whenever the Weather Condition is changed, it takes” with:-
To determine the Incoming Weather, take
Remove “When (and only when) required to change Weather Conditions, a Townsperson shall make a Story Post with [W] in its title, unambiguously announcing the new Weather Conditions. Such a post is called a weather post.” from the ruleset.
Merging the Weather into the Day of Observance post; the Observer says what it’s calculated as, and an admin updates it along with the Season.