Proposal: Removing Empty Threats
Self-killed. Josh
Adminned at 27 Apr 2010 03:34:58 UTC
Rename rule 1.10 to “House Rules”. Remove the following sentences from it:
If any of the rules are found to have been broken, a proposal or CfJ may be made to remove the perpetrator from the game, and bar them from rejoining.
* A Voter should not “spam†the BlogNomic blog. What counts as spamming is subjective, but would typically include posting more than ten blog entries in a day, more than ten blog comments in a row, or posting a blog entry of more than 1000 words.
* A Voter should not make a DoV primarily to delay the game by putting it into Hiatus.
In the following sentence of Rule 1.9:
The Declaration of Victory may be resolved after 24 hours, or after 12 hours if the Returning Officer has voted on it.
change the numbers to 48 and 24, respectively.
Two things here. The first being that I’ve spotted a few occasions in which one player has pointed out something called a “bannable offence;” this seems odd to me, as the idea of BlogNomic actually banning a broadly legitimate player isn’t plausible. Even if it was a situation that we found ourselves in, however, it doesn’t need to be hardcoded into the rules; we can ban by CfJ whether the rules explicitly say so or not. Some of those provisions are dubious as well; the prohibition against spam has subjectivity written into itself, and the rule against junk DoVs is unenforcible, as dressing a DoV to make it look earnest but misguided is fairly trivial. For those reasons it seems better not to be encumbered by a hard list of rules. The CfJ mechanism is pretty good for dealing with antisocial behaviour.
The second is lengthening the timescales on DoVs. I know that Ornithopter has a better fix in the pipeline, but given that this is a short dynasty I’d feel more comfortable if it was safely on the books. It can always be edited later.
ais523: Custodian