Thursday, February 25, 2021

Proposal: Reversing the Polarity

Timed out and enacted, 4-0. Josh

Adminned at 27 Feb 2021 16:25:12 UTC

In “The Elective Monarchy” replace

Each Elector has a score for Political Power, which is a non-negative integer that defaults to 10 and which is privately tracked by the Doge. They also have a Political Heft, which is their Political Power expressed as a percentage of the sum of the Political Powers of all Electors. An Elector may transfer any positive integer amount of their own Political Power to another Elector at any time.


Each Elector has a score for Political Power, which is a integer that defaults to 10 and which is privately tracked by the Doge. An Elector whose Political Power is at or below 0 is considered to be Ostracized. Electors also have a Political Heft, which either 0, if they are Ostracized, or is their Political Power expressed as a percentage of the sum of the Political Powers of all non-Ostracized Electors. An non-Ostracized Elector may transfer any positive integer amount of their own Political Power to another Elector at any time, provided this does not cause the Elector performing the transfer to become Ostracized.

In the same rule, remove “, to a minimum of zero.”

Right now we have some rules where people are forced to lose power and maybe lock the game if they don’t have the power to lose. We also have some rules where people can spend power, but don’t actually always know their power so don’t know if they can do that.

Seems it’ll be less easier to get into deadlocks if we just let power go negative.


Josh: he/they

25-02-2021 16:44:28 UTC

I think I’d prefer that the rules capped losses at zero. Limitless bottom doesn’t seem fun.

Clucky: he/him

25-02-2021 17:17:26 UTC

I think we can probably have some mechanics, either through Campaigns or something else, that lets players with negative power reset.

But without this, we need a way for players to safely perform actions like “lose 2 Political Power to set your Campaign and the Campaign of all Electors whose Campaign is “Gerontocracy” to “Jail”.”

In the current game state, a user could try to do that, reset everyone, but then cause a big mess when you have to go “actually you don’t have enough power to do that”


Kevan: he/him

26-02-2021 13:52:16 UTC

for Seems okay to me.

Josh: he/they

26-02-2021 16:20:54 UTC


Lulu: she/her

27-02-2021 16:20:39 UTC
