Proposal: Rings and Things
Timed out 8 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 29 Mar 2015 21:42:23 UTC
In the rule “Autumn / Fall”, replace “Any Townsperson may get married if they have never done so and have at least three Moneys. When they get married, they must add a Human to their Home if they don’t have a Human in their Home already. If they do already have a Human in their Home, they instead may add a Human to their Home, but they do not have to. They must track that they have gotten married by adding (M) to their Home. Any Townsperson who loses their last Human ceases to be married, if they were married, and loses any instances of (M) in their Home.” with:-
Any Townsperson with no Ring and who is not a Priest may get married if they have at least three Moneys. When they get married, they add a Human and a Ring to their Home.
Remove “Priests can not get married and married Townspersons can not become Priests.” from that rule, and add to “Thing Effects”:-
If a Townsperson has a Ring, they may not choose “Church” as their Workplace.
To the list of Things, add:-
r: Ring
In the rule “Spring”, replace “remove up to three non-Plague Things” with:-
remove up to three non-Plague, non-Ring Things
If any Townspeople are Married when this proposal enacts, give each of them 1 Ring.
Simplifying the marriage process, changing the floating “(M)” into a physical object, and fixing the Priest restriction so that it applies all year.
Married people would then be able to trade away rings… That’d be weird.