Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Proposal: Rite of Alacrity

Timed out and failed, 3-6. Josh

Adminned at 03 Jun 2022 09:20:51 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule with the following text:

If a Guardian is in the Queue then they may spend 1 Livestock to change their position in the Queue to any position other than the front or the back of the Queue.

If a Guardian is on the Path then they may spend 1 Money to change their position to any position.


Kevan: he/him

01-06-2022 11:09:03 UTC

A mild Protective-Gardener against on the Queue shuffling, I think, as it changes the timing of the game. If a player’s decision to jump the queue depends on what someone else chooses to do on their turn, or what Fate the Oracle reveals, then the best time to jump is immediately after that turn happens, adding pressure to be online for longer or more frequently.

Josh: he/they

01-06-2022 11:29:19 UTC

Does the inability to jump to the front of the queue not impact that? If the best you can do is second place then timing matters less; you have until the player in first place moves.

Kevan: he/him

01-06-2022 11:41:45 UTC

It matters less, but still matters. If a player’s reason for wanting to be in second or third or whatever place depends on what a player higher up does on their turn, then there’s a limited, timezoned window for them to make that jump.

wdtefv: hu/hum

01-06-2022 13:41:36 UTC


Kevan: he/him

01-06-2022 13:46:31 UTC

against, mildly.

Trapdoorspyder: he/him

01-06-2022 16:22:16 UTC


Snisbo: she/they

01-06-2022 18:12:10 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

01-06-2022 23:18:49 UTC



02-06-2022 01:22:11 UTC

imperial for now. I like Path order shuffling, but I’m undecided on Queue order shuffling.

Lulu: she/her

02-06-2022 01:50:57 UTC



02-06-2022 22:06:12 UTC
