Thursday, December 02, 2010

Proposal: Ruleset Accuracy fix (Core proposal)

Timed out and failed, 14-0. Josh

Adminned at 04 Dec 2010 02:25:44 UTC


Any CfJ that has no effect on the ruleset or gamestate may be automatically failed by any admin.

in rule 1.6 with

Any CfJ that has no effect on the ruleset or gamestate may be automatically marked illegal by any admin.

Because it’s more accurate.
And how do people feel about allowing comments on illegal posts?


Darknight: he/himIdle

02-12-2010 04:12:19 UTC


Josh: he/they

02-12-2010 07:44:07 UTC

against Not sure that this makes a huge difference.

Blacky: Idle

02-12-2010 08:28:01 UTC


Purplebeard: Idle

02-12-2010 08:44:26 UTC


Subrincinator: Idle

02-12-2010 08:45:56 UTC


ais523: Custodian

02-12-2010 09:42:36 UTC

Would “may be marked illegal” make it actually illegal? There’s a distinction.

SethOcean: Idle

02-12-2010 09:43:20 UTC

I don’t see the need to complicate and create a new status for CfJ (and possibly other Votable Matters).

Admins can already mark the post as ‘Failed’ and mark with “Illegal post”. I think that is sufficient.

So against

Kevan: he/himIdle

02-12-2010 10:21:43 UTC

against The concept of a CfJ being “illegal” is entirely undefined by the ruleset.

(It may be worth dropping the bizarre “automatically”, though, and changing “that has no effect” to “that would have no effect if it passed”.)

Purplebeard: Idle

02-12-2010 10:31:24 UTC

against CoV.

William: Idle

02-12-2010 11:20:37 UTC

against per the above

ais523: Custodian

02-12-2010 11:27:58 UTC

Well, illegal posts don’t exist at all, from the ruleset’s point of view. You couldn’t even say “a Divinity who makes an illegal CfJ loses 4 Prominence” or something like that, you’d have to word it as “a Divinity who makes a post purporting to be a CFJ, but which is not a legal CFJ”...

Blacky: Idle

02-12-2010 11:34:18 UTC

against CoV So what is a legal CfJ? There is a lot of leeway in the rule. So one would in extremo end up with a CfJ judging whether a preceding CfJ is legal. But does is this case of “urgent attention”?  So is this CfJ actually legal?
—> Keep the status quo and apply sensible reasoning.

ais523: Custodian

02-12-2010 12:18:01 UTC

@Blacky: this reminds me of when a DoV was failed on the basis that the person who made it didn’t actually believe that they’d won. (Is that still possible?)

Alecto: Idle

02-12-2010 13:56:02 UTC

I don’t think it helps…

Brendan: he/himIdle

02-12-2010 15:38:06 UTC


FuzzyLogic: Idle

02-12-2010 16:03:56 UTC


Roujo: he/himIdle

02-12-2010 19:01:06 UTC


Roujo: he/himIdle

02-12-2010 19:01:17 UTC

(Per all of the above)

Thelas: Idle

03-12-2010 18:18:17 UTC

against, because the change seems unnecessary to me.

Clucky: he/himIdle

04-12-2010 01:05:37 UTC
