Friday, February 26, 2021

Story Post: Rumour #4

The astute reader will already have deduced that while your author is of the noble classes, she holds them in a disguised contempt. The struting and preening of the courtiers of the Doge’s court is absurd. Their lives are so devoid of want that they have to invent them; and so we come to a situation where two thousand people in a room can have five thousand ailments, each man barking news of his venerial diseases and digestive issues like a maccaw trying to attract a mate.

Today’s specimen is vexed by an invitation from a colleague to tea. Upon arriving, he found his self offered - horror of horrors! - biscuits with gluten in them. Our friend had been so looking forward to the tea, you see, and had cancelled other arrangements to attend it (because heaven forfend that one of these stuffed shirts might be sitting at home, waiting for an invitation) - but not only are they intolerant to gluten, their sibling supposedly died from exposure to the stuff. In their own words, their host “should have known that I would take not having other food options available as a strike against my honour”.

Ludicrous. But good news for you, dear reader, for you are the only one who Lady Pettegola truly loves. And isn’t that tidy, because you know you love me too.

Lady Pettegola


Note that the word “honour” in the direct quote was transcribed by myself so no implication should be taken one way or another from the anglicised spelling.


Raven1207: he/they

26-02-2021 21:13:53 UTC

More Gossip 🙊

Clucky: he/him

27-02-2021 02:26:28 UTC

Honestly this seems like it might have just a bit of miscommunication. Would serving gluten free biscuits have been polite? Yes. But the person in question may have simply forgotten about the request. It could have simply been an honest mistake.

Lulu: she/her

27-02-2021 14:44:19 UTC

I don’t eat biscuits, nor do I eat gluten-free, but this oversight still could have been easily prevented.


27-02-2021 17:11:56 UTC

Agreed with Jumble; it is easy to not strike against honour in such a way.