Saturday, November 23, 2024

Proposal: Scategories

Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 0 votes to 4 by Kevan.

Adminned at 25 Nov 2024 10:03:05 UTC

If there is a rule called Races, add the following to the end of the second item in the bulleted list:

Create a Condition for the new Race, which is a random selection of three to six constonants and one to three vowels, with selection of letters weighted according to their distribution in a standard Scrabble set.

If Proposal: Less is More was enacted then replace the text of the rule Moving with the following; otherwise, create a rule called Moving with the following text:

At any time, a Snail may Move by making a comment on the Ongoing Race (If there is one), in the format of “I X” (where X is an English-language verb in the singular first person present, made up entirely of letters found in the Conditions), and an interpretation of that verb as to how it should be rendered into an effect on the Gamestate.

The intent here is that the (scam-opposed) Emperor will evaluate whether the verb used reasonably describes the action being attached to it, and can decline or amend it on resolution - once we have a resolution method


JonathanDark: he/him

23-11-2024 21:46:34 UTC

In Desertfrog’s AA they posted “Desired workload: between hands-off and casual”, so I’m not sure that generating a Condition for each race will fall into that range, only because the “weighted according to their distribution in a standard Scrabble set” adds some additional work.

Desertfrog: Idle

24-11-2024 07:44:10 UTC

The Condition is indeed probably too much work, but can be easily changed.

The verb part combined with the intent mentioned in the flavor text definitely sounds interesting, and would likely allow some very surprising plays.

But I’m not playing the actual game, so I’ll let players choose whether they want a predefined set of immediately resolved actions, or almost unrestricted emperor-resolved actions imperial

Kevan: he/himIdle

24-11-2024 11:19:29 UTC

Moving is the Key to Victory was invalid, so we don’t have an “Emperor will evaluate” phase.

If my chosen verb is “WIN” and I explain to the group that my “interpretation of that verb as to how it should be rendered into an effect on the Gamestate” is that I’ve achieved victory in the current dynasty, what happens?


Desertfrog: Idle

24-11-2024 12:12:06 UTC

Kevan: I think the intent was for that evaluation phase to be determined by a later proposal (though I’m not sure if I understood it correctly)

Darknight: he/himIdle

24-11-2024 13:27:55 UTC


Desertfrog: Idle

24-11-2024 17:30:07 UTC

With two players voting against, I will change my vote to against — the core mechanic should ideally be something that we can agree about

Plus I’m also personally leaning towards having a predefined set of actions

JonathanDark: he/him

24-11-2024 20:28:35 UTC

Same. Sorry, Josh, it would be fun to have you, but this precondition to your joining just isn’t going to work. Maybe there’s another idea we could compromise on?


Desertfrog: Idle

25-11-2024 07:08:58 UTC

Wait is this a precondition proposal? Might be good to have some way to differentiate between them and regular ones

Kevan: he/himIdle

25-11-2024 07:59:53 UTC

It can’t be one because the last two bullet points of Dynastic Reset are the wrong way around (we should fix this), so only “Idle Genetic Engineers” can post them at present.

It also doesn’t look like it was intended as one because Josh’s idle comment on the AA was made half an hour later.