Proposal: Show your work
Quorums 8-0. — Quirck
Adminned at 15 Sep 2012 07:48:40 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule to the ruleset. Call it “Citations” and give it the following text:
A Citation of a web page or blog post is a link that is explicitly labelled as a Citation and leads to that page or post .
Add a new Dynastic Rule to the ruleset. Call it “Victory Practice Project” and give it the following text:
If a Student makes a Story Post that meets all of the following criteria, they Score:
*It brags about Scoring under this rule.
*Its author has not previously Scored due to this rule.
*It contains a Citation to a Proposal enacted during the current dynasty,
and that Student is the author of that Proposal,
and that Proposal created a Dynastic Rule.
*It contains a Citation to a blog post in which another Student truthfully claims to have Scored under a Rule that proposal created.
Ragnar Danneskjöld:
Perhaps I’m being nitpicky, but “claims to have Scored under a Rule that proposal created” could be read as under a rule that any proposal created because all rules are created via proposal.