Proposal: Slacktavism [Appendix]
self killed—Clucky
Adminned at 26 Feb 2021 03:27:50 UTC
Add a section to the “Appendix” between “Atomic Actions” and “Clarifications” called “Accounts” with the following text
Electors, including Idle Electors, may operate accounts on services other than the blog. Those accounts, if listed here, are known as Related Accounts. Each related Account has an Identifier for that account. The possible Related Accounts and their identifiers are:
* An account on the Wiki. Identifier is the wiki account’s user name.
* An account on the Slack. Identifier is the slack account’s display name.
Electors, including Idle Electors, are highly encouraged to have the Identifier for their related Accounts be the same as their name, or be one which it is easy to infer what their name is. If an Elector has a Related Account whose Identifier does not match their name, they must update the “Account Names” wiki page to list their blog name, the type of related account, and the identifier for that account. An Elector or Idle Elector may not operate a Related Account whose identifier is designed to mislead other Electors into thinking they are someone else.
Lulu: she/her
Grammar issue: “other than blog” isn’t right.