Saturday, November 30, 2019

Proposal: Smiting al dente

Reached quorum 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 02 Dec 2019 13:04:36 UTC


If an Adventurer passes the Priest role to another Adventurer as described in “Victory and Ascension”, a themeless Metadynasty begins instead and then all Dynastic Rules are repealed.


If an Adventurer passes the Priest role to another Adventurer as described in “Victory and Ascension”, a themeless Metadynasty begins instead with anyone who is the Priest losing their Priest status and then all Dynastic Rules are repealed.

Some adjustments to make it juuust right
(hopefully, lol)



01-12-2019 00:46:42 UTC

for heh


01-12-2019 02:31:27 UTC


The Duke of Waltham: he/him

01-12-2019 08:30:57 UTC



01-12-2019 08:53:55 UTC

It would have been interesting to have a Metadynasty with an Emperor tho. (Dynasties with no Emperor are Metadynasties, but it’s only an “if”, not “if and only if”)

The Duke of Waltham: he/him

01-12-2019 17:27:26 UTC

In that case, however, what is the difference between a Metadynasty with an Emperor and a regular Dynasty?


01-12-2019 18:02:12 UTC

A Metadynasty can have an Emperor or not. (Its odd but it works)
Regular Dynasties must have an Emperor.

The Duke of Waltham: he/him

01-12-2019 21:33:37 UTC

I understand the legal distinction, but not the practical one. How would a Metadynasty with an Emperor feel different from a regular Dynasty? (Other than the blog’s masthead, that is.) Would the Emperor allow the use of Defer and Veto as voting options but not have the usual directing and supervisory role over the Dynasty?


02-12-2019 09:04:31 UTC

Feel? I have no idea lol. I’d just be amused if I was in that situation, and enjoy what oddities it has.