Proposal: Some use for Charisma, namely loaning to buy a house
Withdrawn. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 27 Oct 2021 10:56:38 UTC
In “Open House”, modify the following;
Each remaining Attendee makes an Offer that is equal to their Bucks.
to be
Each remaining Attendee makes an Offer that is equal to their Bucks plus twice their Desired Quality plus the Seller’s Charisma score.
It’s obvious that if you want a better house, you’d need more money, right?
Also a use for Charisma, y’all happy now??
Josh: he/they
Hard against; sellers not having enough bucks sounds like a problem exclusively for those who overspent on houses.
If you want the rest of the players to bail you out then you should compensate us for the opportunity cost of having missed out on the auctions that you won with overbidding.