Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Proposal: Some use for Charisma, namely loaning to buy a house

Withdrawn. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 27 Oct 2021 10:56:38 UTC

In “Open House”, modify the following;

Each remaining Attendee makes an Offer that is equal to their Bucks.

to be

Each remaining Attendee makes an Offer that is equal to their Bucks plus twice their Desired Quality plus the Seller’s Charisma score.

It’s obvious that if you want a better house, you’d need more money, right?

Also a use for Charisma, y’all happy now??


Josh: he/they

26-10-2021 18:19:10 UTC

Hard against; sellers not having enough bucks sounds like a problem exclusively for those who overspent on houses.

If you want the rest of the players to bail you out then you should compensate us for the opportunity cost of having missed out on the auctions that you won with overbidding.

Josh: he/they

26-10-2021 18:25:49 UTC

*Attendees not having enough Bucks


26-10-2021 19:16:43 UTC

Congratulations, you pla- Fool’s Golded yourself.

Chiiika: she/her

26-10-2021 19:19:53 UTC

To be honest, I just got a lucky roll
So here we are using one proposal slot to definitively show that Charisma has been locked

Chiiika: she/her

26-10-2021 19:21:32 UTC

Josh, the point here is that it’s definitively that Charisma has been locked, so you’re not getting to see how Charisma could function on your comment of No Blank Realtors

Josh: he/they

26-10-2021 19:27:33 UTC

Sure, but Nomic is a game where you need people to vote on your proposals. I understand how you got to where you are but why should I vote on it? I lost out on the Charisma dice roll and lost out on an opportunity to buy property because you bid high, why should I vote to help you out with your high Charisma and expensive property?

Chiiika: she/her

26-10-2021 19:29:25 UTC

If any changes can be seen as bailout for Fool’s Gold, then let’s close that design space off

Chiiika: she/her

26-10-2021 19:30:17 UTC

against The Proposal has done what’s needed, Withdrawn

Chiiika: she/her

26-10-2021 19:36:01 UTC

I just need you to show that you’re unwilling to resolve that issue for whatever reasons.

Vovix: he/him

26-10-2021 19:39:07 UTC

I don’t think the main objection here is the charisma rider, it’s that those of us who don’t have houses yet have no incentive to vote for increasing the value of houses. It both advantages people who already bought houses and makes new houses more expensive for the rest of us.

Josh: he/they

26-10-2021 19:40:34 UTC

Yeah, you’re being weirdly absolute about this Chiiika - I was very clear that I wouldn’t vote for a proposal that helped you and not me, and why should I?

If your proposal fails then sometimes that’s on you. It’s not our job to help you out of a jam; if you want the proposal to pass, maybe make it so it doesn’t help you and hinder everyone else?

Chiiika: she/her

26-10-2021 19:42:31 UTC

I proposed a solution on another proposal that I wrote to hinder myself just 28 hrs before - was on 4/2

Chiiika: she/her

26-10-2021 19:43:26 UTC

*on 2/4, so it’s not simply a fact about me helping myself here

I still can’t pass when I’m actively hindering myself

Chiiika: she/her

26-10-2021 19:43:44 UTC

Just to continue normal gameplay

Josh: he/they

26-10-2021 19:44:41 UTC

It barely hinders you - you’d still have 15 charisma, higher than almost anyone even after rerolls, and would still have a property that none of us got because we were bidding on the basis of the economy as it is

Charisma isn’t currently a problem for me, as it doesn’t mean anything. Frankly, the optimal approach for me is to oppose it ever becoming anything, and that interest is served by people mostly having lower Charismas.

Chiiika: she/her

26-10-2021 19:45:56 UTC

No worries, so to continue gameplay as usual for me it has been demonstrated to be axing the whole Charisma part

Chiiika: she/her

26-10-2021 19:47:06 UTC

No worries, so to continue gameplay as usual for me it has been demonstrated to be axing the whole Charisma part

Josh: he/they

26-10-2021 19:48:24 UTC

Nothing has “been shown”, you have attained the opinions of a tiny minority of players.

You may have declared defeat a little too easily here, but that’s your business I guess!

Chiiika: she/her

26-10-2021 19:49:47 UTC

I don’t know how can I not declaring defeat when I’m playing with everyone defaulting on redcrossing me in a game of Nomic.

Josh: he/they

26-10-2021 19:52:45 UTC

I am not voting against you by default! I am disagreeing with the current proposals up for a vote, I honestly haven’t attached your name to the other proposals that have come up in this dynasty.

I understand how frustrating it is, and I had my own little freak-out about that yesterday, but no-one owes you a for vote.

Chiiika: she/her

26-10-2021 19:55:22 UTC

I obviously understand no one owes me a for vote, but with a lot of proposals just failing without reasons is ehh.


26-10-2021 21:15:49 UTC

Charisma could still be made useful in a proposal that has other, larget changes.


26-10-2021 21:31:18 UTC
