Proposal: Survival of the Fittest
Timed out 2 votes to 2. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 06 Nov 2024 09:05:04 UTC
In the rule “Organisms”, add a subrule named “Overpopulation” with the following text:
When 5 or more Organisms are in the same Room, that Room is considered Overpopulated.
Survival is an atomic action with the following steps that apply only to the Organisms in a specific Room:
* Select all the Organisms with the lowest Stage in that Room and consider that group of Organisms the Prey.
* Randomly select an Organism from the Prey and remove it from the gamestate.
* Select all the Organisms with the highest Stage in that Room and consider that group of Organisms the Predators.
* Randomly select an Organism from the Predators and increase its Stage by 1 if it is legal to do so.
In the rule “Synthesis”, add the following as the last step in the Synthesize atomic action:
* For each Room that is Overpopulated, perform the Survival atomic action for that Room, repeating the action until that Room is no longer Overpopulated.
This is different from the CGA and AGG Codons in that the Overpopulation leading to Stage increase is a “natural” evolutionary phenomenon, whereas increases in Stages from Codons created by Genetic Engineers is genetically-engineered evolution.
I considered a more complicated approach where an Organism consuming another Organism would gain Resources and after X number of Resources would then increase its Stage, similar to the game Spore. I’m not opposed to this idea if anyone thinks the above Proposal will cause Stage increase too quickly.
Kevan: he/him