Thursday, November 26, 2009

Proposal: Table the Motion

Enacted, 8-0. Josh

Adminned at 29 Nov 2009 02:09:23 UTC

Add a new Rule to the Ruleset.  Call it “Tables and Food” and give it the following text:

As referenced in Rule 2.8 The Buddy System, each set of Partners shares a table. This is represented by the Table column of the GNDT.

The table column records the number of Food Items on a given Apprentice’s table. A table initially has a number of items equal to the length of the longer Workbench of any Apprentices sharing the table.

Food may be Eaten or Served, resulting in the reduction or addition of food items on a table.

As a daily action, but not more than once in 8 hours, an Apprentice may Eat one item of food from their own table, provided that this would not result in an empty table.

As a daily action, but not more than once in 8 hours, an Apprentice may Serve one item of food to any table.

Should any situation result in two Partners having an unequal table, such as from a Partner swap, the value shall default to the larger table status.

Should any situation result in an Apprentice not having a valid table, re-initialize the table.

If any player does not have a Partner, they initially get a table to themselves.


I have some other ideas for Food, but I’ve purposely left this fairly open ended.



26-11-2009 19:47:24 UTC

Time to break out the leftover Cessna? for

Josh: Mastermind he/they

26-11-2009 19:59:54 UTC

for Although these could just as easily be Timed Actions.

redtara: they/them

26-11-2009 21:17:25 UTC



26-11-2009 23:54:53 UTC

Mmm… cesna…


26-11-2009 23:54:53 UTC

Mmm… cesna…


27-11-2009 09:18:11 UTC

Mmm… double post. Seriously though, any tips on where to learn about the ancient lore of the ces(s)na?

redtara: they/them

27-11-2009 11:48:13 UTC


27-11-2009 15:07:55 UTC

for .  Sure.


27-11-2009 19:55:36 UTC

@Ienpw: It came around in arth’s dynasty, when Rodlen added it to the Ingredient List.



28-11-2009 03:16:54 UTC

for Sounds tasty.

Darknight: he/him

28-11-2009 03:33:04 UTC

for still wanna how he got that both in the frig and in the bunker lol.


28-11-2009 21:34:34 UTC

So, this rule would have a bit of good manners in it, since no one can eat the last food item on the table? Or am I reading that wrong?

“. . .provided that this would not result in an empty table.”


28-11-2009 22:44:08 UTC

A little bit of good manners, I suppose, but really I had envisioned other rules that might trigger in the case of an empty table, and I didn’t want it to be too easy to do.


28-11-2009 23:20:16 UTC

Understandable. I just got a funny mental picture of two nomic partners staring at the only dish of cessna 500 saying “ you take it…no you take it. I could not eat another piston.” And neither of them able to cast spells.