Proposal: Taking Rodlen WAY too seriously
Sealed imperially—Rodlen
Adminned at 21 Dec 2008 08:37:35 UTC
Make the Citizen Darth Cliche an Admin.
Sealed imperially—Rodlen
Adminned at 21 Dec 2008 08:37:35 UTC
Make the Citizen Darth Cliche an Admin.
Wait, what? I thought you were joking when you suggested it in the other post
Me - For
Rodlen - For
arthexis - For
eljefe - For
Darknight - For
5 more votes and 11.5 more hours, and I’m an admin.
Posted that at the same time as Sgeo and Clucky. I have a bad habit of doing things like that.
Maturity. In general, it takes new players a couple of dynasties to get used to how things work around here. It varies by player, but I get the impression that you haven’t hit the critical level of experience yet.
Nothing personal Darth, I just haven’t played with you for awhile. After this dynasty if you still want to be an admin, I’m sure I’ll be mmore than willing to vote for you.
I understand and accept your reasons. I assume Clucky’s reason is because of the PM about Rodlen’s plans I sent all active players earlier.
Going to include in mine a lack of familiarity about the rules. Admins need to be very aware of the core rules, especially those pertaining to proposals. A lack of awareness about how they work is not a bad thing, just not something that is condusive to being an Admin.
You know, this proposal was mainly a joke anyway, since Rodlen jokingly suggested that I should become an admin after finding out that some bug in EE is letting me use the admin function.
You know, I was actually made an admin in the same dynasty in which I joined.
Actually, it went about 100 hours before finally being enacted. In that time, I think it went back and forth between passing and failing about 3 or 4 times, and quorum was probably around 7 or 8 (not too high but not too low).
Yes, I did make some mistakes early on (like adminning proposals too early), but I learned from my mistakes. As such, I say that if DC really wants to be an admin, let him. I think that the only reason you should disallow someone from becoming an admin is if you honestly believe that they would abuse it.
To quote myself:
“You know, this proposal was mainly a joke anyway, since Rodlen jokingly suggested that I should become an admin after finding out that some bug in EE is letting me use the admin function.”
I don’t see much of a use for actually being an admin, besides speeding everything up.
To quote myself again:
” s/k.”