Proposal: Targeted Sales
Timed out and failed, 3 votes to 1. Josh
Adminned at 31 Oct 2021 12:31:00 UTC
Change “Open House” to read:
A Realtor may hold an Open House, which is an atomic action with the following steps:
*Choose a House for which they are the Seller; that House is the Property for this Open House.
*Choose an eligible Buyer with a Desired Quality that is equal to or less than the sum of the Condition and Appeal of the Property. That Buyer is the Attendee during this Open House.
*In the Dice Roller, name the Property and the Attendee, and roll a DICE2 to decide how persistent the Attendee will be.
*Activate each Trap on the Property. If the Attendee is no longer eligible, or the roll in the above step was 2, they cease to be the Attendee.
*If there is no Attendee, make a random Buyer the new Attendee.
*Gain the Bucks of the Attendee, and both the Attendee and the Property cease to exist.
*Roll 4DICE4 and set the Realtor’s Charisma to the result.Here’s an Open House Dice Roller form for convenience:
(Trap effects on Attendee:)
Stay(1) or leave(2)? DICE2
Substitute Attendee: DICE##
New Charisma: 4DICE4
I’m slicing and dicing the Open House, before it gets used, to reduce complexity by a great deal, I think. The old version has you randomly pick 10 buyers, which is a hassle. Then you have to check their Desired Quality, then apply all the traps to whichever are left. If you forget to make TWO mentions of the Open House, one before and one after, the whole action fails. And, by the way, if you don’t like the buyers, you can even just skip selling the House, and do it all again in an hour!
This version fixes all of these issues by making it a single buyer, everything posted in one location, and you must sell the house at the end, whether or not you got your desired price.
Josh: he/they