Proposal: Targetted Disruption
Fails 0-9 due to Self-Kill. -Bucky
Adminned at 11 Nov 2010 17:02:40 UTC
If the proposal “Student, remove yourself from the class” failed, this proposal does noting.
In the rule “Lessons”, change the text
up to 3 Students who have Studied most recently in the lesson
up to 3 Students who have Studied or Brown-Nosed in the lesson, including the one who did so most recently (if any).
*Can now attack Brown-Nosing students
*Can now chose who to disrupt (but only 2 unless you time the disruption right)
Ah. My idea was to explicitly not allow disruptive students to choose their target. That would encourage people to study early because other students will surely come after them and “provide cover”. But I did miss the brown-nosing part.