Saturday, November 23, 2024

Proposal: That Tracks

Timed out, 4-0 with 2 DEFs. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 25 Nov 2024 19:58:12 UTC

Add the following “Dynasties”

Each Dynasty is tracked by a number. The current Dynasty Number is 230.

Add following steps to the start of the Dynastic Reset Atomic action

* Create a wiki page called “Ruleset X” where X is the current Dynasty Number (replacing its contents if it already exists)
* Increase the current Dynasty Number by 1

also in the dynastic reset action, as part of the step

Update the gamestate tracking page referred to in the rule “Ruleset and Gamestate” with the name specified in the most recent Ascension Address, if any.


If no name is specified, set the gamestate tracking page to be “Gamestate Tracking X” where X is the current dynasty number

It might also be good to formalize the concept of archival, as I’m not sure there is anything illegal about people modifying rulesets or old dynastic tracking pages; but as a starting point lets at least make sure copying the old ruleset over is part of the dynastic ruleset, and make it so you can’t accidentally clobber the previous gamestate tracking page if you forget to rename it


JonathanDark: he/him

23-11-2024 22:13:05 UTC

I don’t know how I feel about dynastic history also being gamestate. It feels like that could lead to shenanigans, even though it provides a benefit in protecting the historical record.

Raven1207: he/they

23-11-2024 23:38:17 UTC

imperial Depends on if we need previous dynasties for current dynasties

Desertfrog: Jury

24-11-2024 07:44:57 UTC

imperial I have no idea how archiving works, so can’t say anything about this

Clucky: he/him

24-11-2024 08:06:28 UTC

This doesn’t actually introduce any official archiving or make dynastic history gamestate. Part of why I held off on that bit is getting it right. But I don’t think it should be possible to keep using the Sublogical Genomics Laboratory gamestate page by default just because it didn’t get renamed. And I think its good to ensure copying the ruleset step is done

Kevan: he/him

24-11-2024 11:34:45 UTC


Not sure what we’d gain from the unproposed idea of explicitly making old rulesets and gamestate pages into active gamestate, though, particularly when any existing “illegal” changes to them will get locked in (and any future such changes endorsed by Ascension upholds if we don’t notice them happening).

Darknight: he/him

24-11-2024 13:26:35 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

24-11-2024 20:32:55 UTC

I disagree with Clucky’s assertion that this doesn’t make dynastic history gamestate. By the act of regulating the content or creation of specific wiki pages, that makes it gamestate. Per the Appendix definition of Gamestate:

Any information which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of.


Kevan: he/him

25-11-2024 10:06:10 UTC

True, but only true for the current dynasty’s anticipated ruleset archive page, I think? Once we move into in Dynasty 231 the ruleset will only regulate the creation of the page “Ruleset 231”, so “Ruleset 230” (and all previous rulesets) will stop being gamestate.

JonathanDark: he/him

25-11-2024 15:38:01 UTC

Ah, good point there. I’m more comfortable with this idea knowing that it wouldn’t make the entirety of dynastic history gamestate.
