Proposal: The End is Near
Reached quorum 10 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 15 Dec 2012 13:35:02 UTC
Enact a new Rule, “Locations”:-
Each Believer has a Location, tracked in the GNDT. (A Believer is said to be “located” in their Location, or simply “in” or “at” it.) Each Believer defaults to a Location of “Unknown”.
Valid Locations are: The Cathedral, The Museum, The Observatory, The Library, The University, The Hospital, The Protest Camp, The Back Streets and The River. “Unknown” is also a valid Location, tracked in the GNDT as “-”.
As a daily Action, a Believer may change their own Location to any valid Location (except for “Unknown”).
Josh: he/they