Proposal: The Golden Mule of Perfection
Passes 7-0, reached quorum. Enacted by smith.
Adminned at 03 Nov 2005 12:52:57 UTC
It is bothering me that we have Deity/Incarnation confusion in the Powers rule (and perhaps elsewhere).
Rewrite the Powers rule to:-
Each Incarnation may have any number of Powers, each Power being a combination of a number of power-drawing Worship components and universe-changing Might components. (Worship and Might are divided into two types, reflecting their scope - “Global” and “City”.)
An Incarnation’s Powers should be listed in the Deity Wiki, and should list the components they were made from.
Incarnations start with no Powers, but a Deity may create a new Power for eir current Incarnation by spending 1 Quintessence and constructing a new Power from a combination of the components listed below, and giving it a name of eir choice.
Each component has a Worship or a Might cost - a Power being constructed or modified must have at least as much Worship as Might. If a Power uses any Global Might, it must also have at least as much Global Worship.
If a Power has a Component which gives a variable amount of Worship or Might, the balance condition between those amounts (Worship >= Might and Global Worship >= Global Might) must be true when the power is being used, instead of when it is being constructed.
A Power may only contain one instance of each component.
Deities may use the Powers of eir Incarnation at any time - however, a single Power may never be used to affect a particular City, Incarnation or Deity more than often. Where a Power says that it can only be used in a specific type of City, it means that its target or targets must be in that city.
Replace the word “Deity” with “Incarnation” in the following Components: Leader, Flood, Hinder, Inspire, Convert, Lightning, Volcano
If Proposal: some fixes has passed, then also append the paragraph it added to Powers, changing instances of “Deity”(s) to “Incarnation”(s).
Another change: I’ve removed the line allowing 1 quint to add a component to a power - I think the proposed Erasure component is a better way to do that.