Proposal: The Right Tools For the Job
Quorum Reached. Passes 7-0—Clucky
Adminned at 22 Oct 2020 17:09:19 UTC
Add the following to “The Mosaic”
Two Tiles are Diagonally Adjacent if their Columns and their Rows both differ by no more than 1. Two Tiles are Strictly Diagonally Adjacent if they are Diagonally Adjacent but not Adjacent.
If the proposal here: does not pass, the rest of this proposal does nothing
Set the Turn cost of Grinding stone to 1
Set the Effect of Grinding Stone to
The Monk using this tool may immediately perform a Tile Action to change the colour of a white tile to match that of a tile which is diagonally adjacent to it.
Add the following to the list of Tile Actions
Cease holding any tool. Start holding a random Tool. The Monk performing this action may spend additional Turns when performing it. For each additional Turn they spent, they may remove one Tool from the list of possible choices when performing the random selection.
Add the following to the list of Tools
Lump of Clay
: Turn Cost: 2
: The Monk using this tool may replace their tool with any other tool.
Josh: he/they
Typo “The Monk performing this action [p/m]ay spend additional”
Anyway yes good thank you