Proposal: The tides of the time
At 2-9, cannot be enacted without changed votes, and is failed. Brendan
Adminned at 01 Oct 2010 14:50:58 UTC
This proposal fails, if the proposal “Red, White and Blue” is not enacted.
Create a rule called “Diplomatic Conundrum” with the exact wording:
Each Nation (America, Britain, France, Russia, East Germany and West Germany) has a diplomacy value (DV), which is a whole number ranging from -5 to 5. The default DV for each value is 0. As an weekly event for each nation the D-Ops throws a DICE2. If the value on the dice is 1 he substracts 2 points from the DV of the respective nation if the value is 2 he adds 2 points to the DV of the respective nation. Values smaller than -5 are set to -5 and values greater 5 are set to 5. The DV values are secretly tracked by the D-Ops.
In Rule 2.2, replace “An Agent’s Allegiance, if they have one, can be either US, Soviet or Independent. If an Agent has a Codename but no Allegiance, D-Ops may assign them an Allegiance at random, and contact them privately to inform them of this fact.”
An Agent’s Allegiance is determined by his nationality and the DV of his nation. There are three different Allegiances which are each formed by two nations. Nations form Allegiances according to their DV. The two nations with the highest DV form one Allegiance, so do the two nations with the lowest DV. The remaining two nations form the third Allegiance. If nations have equal DV they belong to the Allegiances according to alphabetical order. The allegiances are announced each week by the D-Ops.
Brendan: he/him
What if more than two nations have the same DV?