Monday, March 02, 2015

Proposal: The Weekly Prophet

Passes 11-1. Enacted by Brendan.

Adminned at 07 Mar 2015 05:31:29 UTC

Create a new Dynastic rule, titled “Prophecies”, reading as follows:

“Once per Season, (but not on Sundays, not if the weather is Rain, and not if the Sky has not yet been examined in the current Season) each Townsperson may make a Prophecy.
A Prophecy is a Story post in which an event is foreseen to happen, based on the state of the Sky at time of posting.
Its title must start with the tag “[Prophecy]”.
It must include a detailed explanation as to how the current conditions of the Sky can be interpreted in that way.

(for example, a legal Prophecy could read:
“Behold the Greater Triangle shining brightly on the Left, this is a clear sign that a Townsperson with that Constellation in their birthsign is destined to do something.
And see, there! the Eel next to the Toad, an omen of failure!
I foresee that, before the end of Summer, a Townsperson with the Greater Triangle in their birthsign will have one of their Proposals Failed.”)

Prophecies may not mention Townpeople’s names nor Calls for Judgment.

Should the event foreseen in a Prophecy actually take place before the first change of Season after the time of its posting, and if the Prophecy is less than 10 days old, any Townsperson may Comment on it that “The Prophecy is Fulfilled”, thus making it a Fulfilled Prophecy.
It is recommended that a list of Fulfilled Prophecies is kept somewhere in the wiki.



02-03-2015 10:08:35 UTC

for for now. Seems full of flavor and severly lacking use, but maybe that’s the intend. :-)

Darknight: he/him

02-03-2015 10:36:48 UTC



02-03-2015 15:09:45 UTC



02-03-2015 15:42:26 UTC

for I would prefer for there to be a prescribed set of possible Prophecies to make the subgame more interesting (“I foresee that a Townsperson will make a post or comment this Season” is not very interesting, nor particularly difficult to fulfil). Fulfilment has no effect yet, though, so this is safe to vote in.


02-03-2015 16:01:10 UTC

against Why would there be a Greater Triangle in the sky? I thought clouds and stuff were in the sky.

Josh: he/they

02-03-2015 16:01:41 UTC


Kevan: he/him

02-03-2015 16:02:53 UTC



02-03-2015 17:22:56 UTC

[ayesdeef] Not sure that I understand your point:
“The Constellations currently visible in the Sky are, from left to right: The Bee, The Toad, The Eel.”


02-03-2015 17:33:23 UTC


Maldor: he/him

02-03-2015 20:37:00 UTC

for This should be fun

Brendan: he/him

02-03-2015 20:46:37 UTC



03-03-2015 00:54:38 UTC
