Proposal: :thinking:
Adminned at 08 Feb 2020 12:50:17 UTC
Create a new rule called “Ideas”:
A Scientist can pay (500+Crisis/10) Budget to request Ideas from the Liaison in private. Upon this request, the Liaison can and shall then grant them 3 random Ideas in a timely fashion and inform them of these Ideas privately. Ideas are privately tracked by the Liaison.
A Scientist shall not fake the use of an Idea, and the Liaison is encouraged to raise CfJs about ambiguities or doubts about their use, should they arise, even if it involves revealing secret information, but should try to withhold as much secret information as possible.
The following are Ideas, and their effects, if any:
- Calculate: Via a blog post to this effect, a Scientist can spend two of this Idea to gain a new instance of a kind of Idea of their choice.
A system for a “hand of cards”. Feel totally free to veto Liaison if you prefer to not have this responsibility.
Darknight: he/him