Monday, April 05, 2010

Proposal: This happens every three dynasties, usually without complaint

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 06 Apr 2010 03:28:31 UTC

Add the following bullet point to rule 3.2.1, “Numbers and Variables”:

* If a rule states that new Colonists start with a certain value for a variable, then when that rule is first put into the Ruleset, all Colonists shall have that variable set to that value.

Inelegant wording, but it’s the best I could do.



05-04-2010 01:14:15 UTC


Roujo: he/him

05-04-2010 01:16:04 UTC



05-04-2010 01:21:16 UTC



05-04-2010 03:59:01 UTC


Josh: he/they

05-04-2010 08:05:07 UTC


Kevan: he/him

05-04-2010 08:29:15 UTC

against Isn’t the usual wording just to say that “Colonists start with 50 Energy” rather than “New Colonists start with 50 Energy”? This also opens up unexpected effects where if we modify a new player rule further down the line (say changing “equal to lowest variable among other players” to “mean”), it would reset all existing players’ variables.

I’m not sure what the proposal title is supposed to mean.


05-04-2010 10:29:29 UTC

against per Kevan.

Additionally: What‘s with the GNDT?

Kevan: he/him

05-04-2010 10:50:11 UTC

[Keba] What do you mean?

ais523: Custodian

05-04-2010 12:27:29 UTC

against on a different technical ground; it doesn’t seem to cover amending, rather than adding, a rule. (This could have happened, say, in my dynasty when electricity was added.) By the way, my favourite wording for such rules is “defaulting to 50”, or whatever; this handles all three potentially undefined situations (existing Colonists + new rule, new Colonist, unidling Colonist who last idled before the rule was enacted).


05-04-2010 13:01:14 UTC

against case-by-case, please.


05-04-2010 13:46:49 UTC



05-04-2010 14:41:00 UTC

against Changing non-dynastic rules should only be done with great contemplation

Roujo: he/him

05-04-2010 15:18:21 UTC

against CoV, then


05-04-2010 16:27:23 UTC

against  s/k per Kevan.