Proposal: Tongue-Tied
Reached quorum 13 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 20 Feb 2011 02:35:08 UTC
If a rule exists called “Intelligence”, replace “any admin may flag that proposal as illegal at any time before resolution so that it ceases to be a proposal” with:-
any Caveman may vote to veto that proposal; such a vote counts as if the Chief had cast it
If we’re merely flagging a proposal as “illegal”, that means the writer can just submit it again immediately with corrections, without losing a slot. And then submit it again if he misses something that time, and so on.
ais523: Custodian
But they aren’t proposals, by definition, as they contain words that can’t be used in proposals.
What “Intelligence” should probably do is to not ban the use of the words, but rather let anyone veto the proposal as a result; what you’re suggesting here, without the illegality. Making things illegal is problematic in BlogNomic as it always ends up causing a retroactive gamestate recalculation.