Saturday, February 27, 2021

Call for Judgment: Too Much Mistrust

Reaches quorum, 7-0. Enacted by pokes.

Adminned at 27 Feb 2021 20:33:24 UTC

The rule Ethics of the Nobility says

Each Elector may then make a Response, where a Response must comprise of both of the following elements: a public statement (made in a comment to the Rumour Post) setting out briefly what their response to the Rumour will be, and a private message to the Doge giving a Mistrust score change between -1 and 2, inclusive. The sum of all such Response-changes to Mistrust which are sent to the Doge within 48 hours of the posting of the Rumour then accrues to the Mistrust of the Rumour’s subject, though this accrual is not effective until the next time the Doge stages a Masquerade.

“All such” in that rule parses oddly, but the clearest reading I can get from it is that a Rumour’s subject is affected by all responses that come in during that Rumour’s response-time, even if they were about another Rumour. That’s obviously not the intent.

So, in the sentence above, change “all such” to “all relevant”, and the Doge is hereby instructed to interpret all Mistrust changes arising from Rumours on that basis when evaluating Mistrust at the start of the next Masquerade.


Zack: he/him

27-02-2021 17:49:39 UTC


Clucky: he/him

27-02-2021 17:51:31 UTC


Kevan: he/him

27-02-2021 18:10:04 UTC


Lulu: she/her

27-02-2021 18:23:35 UTC


Darknight: he/him

27-02-2021 19:27:06 UTC



27-02-2021 20:31:32 UTC
