Proposal: Tough on Stone, Tough on the Crushing of Stone
S/Ked. Ien.
Adminned at 01 May 2010 07:23:59 UTC
To the Rule “More Equal Rights”, add the following NPC voter:-
- Chinese Spammers: The Chinese Spammers’ Voting Intention is initially Undecided. If a Voter has the word “crush” or “stone” in their Manifesto on the “My Dynasty” page, that Voter is Targetable. If no other Voter has done so earlier in the day, a Voter may roll DICEX, where X is the number of Targetable Voters, and select the Xth Targetable Voter in the order they appear in the “My Dynasty” page - that Voter becomes the Voting Intention of the Chinese Spammers.
Josh: Mastermind he/they